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Highly recommend oxygen producing plants

 Top 5 Oxygen Producing Indoor Plants | Covid 19

  • Areca Palm. Areca palm produces more oxygen compared to other indoor plants and it is a great humidifier too. ...
  • Spider Plant. The spider plant is one of the easiest indoor plants to grow. ...
  • Snake Plant. ...
  • Money Plant. ...

    10 Plants That Give Oxygen at Night

    “Reflect something good just as plants do reflect oxygen back.” Being surrounded by green plants gives us humans some sort of calm or happiness which words can’t be put to. Discussing plants, we have to mention class 8th science, wherein we were taught how plants release oxygen at night and consume carbon dioxide, creating a very convenient environment for us humans to breathe in. We also have been told that many plants online as well as offline are found to supply oxygen, usually during the day, whereas this process gets reversed at night. But did you know that there are some 24 hours oxygen giving plants present around us? We bet you didn’t know this! This is why we thought of coming up with a list of popular plants that give oxygen 24x7x365 days. Take a look at these green beauties and start planting them around yourself to bring out a much happier, calmer version of yourself.

    10 Plants that give Oxygen at Night

    1. Snake plant -

    The Snake Plant would be the first plant that we are going to consider under this list of plants that give oxygen. It is a straight upright plant that grows upto 3 feet. Known as Mother in law’s tongue, a snake plant is said to absorb carbon dioxide from the air as well as to cleanses formaldehyde from the air. It is easy to grow the plant as it doesn’t need to be watered regularly.

    Snake plant

    2. Areca palm plant -

    Goes by the name golden palm, butterfly palm and yellow palm. Areca palm plant is native to south India and the Philippines. It is one of the most popular houseplants which requires special attention. It can be easily planted in full sun, but it prefers partial shade. Also, it likes its soil to be slightly moist in the summers and somewhat dry in the fall season.

    Areca palm plant

    3. Aloe Vera plant -

    Known to remove toxins from the air like aldehydes and benzene, aloe vera is a super plant. It releases oxygen the day as well as night. Thye have pointed leaves with white transparent gel inside them. It os a medicinal plant that is used for multiple treatments. Overwatering can harm its roots, whereas it prefers a sunny atmosphere.

    Aloe Vera plant

    4. Tulsi -

    Holy Basil aka tulsi plant is native to India and mostly cultivated in south-eastern Asia. It is used to treat Asthma, cold, sore throat, high bp and cholesterol issues. It is an excellent stress relaxant and inflammation controller.


    5. Money plant -

    One of the most searched plants of all time has to be money plant online. Not many of us know this, but a money plant release oxygen at night too. Money plant also goes by the name Devil’s ivy gets its name from its rounded leaves flat plump leaves that resembles a coin. This is why it is said to make one of the most popular Fengshui plants as well. Money plants make excellent bedroom plants as it aids in sleep disorders and filtering the air.

    Money plant

    6. Gerbera plant -

    Gerbvera is a flowering plant species that is known for its oxygen releasing properties at night. It is said to benefit people who suffer from sleep and breathing disorder. It needs sunlight in its flowering season. It is said under proper care and conditions; the gerbera plant can survive for more than two years.

    Gerbera plant

    7. Christmas Cactus -

    Mostly found in Brazil, Christmas cactus goes by the name “Schlumbergera”. It acts as an excellent air purifier primarily because it releases oxygen at night. Its nectar and its vibrant colour are what attract hummingbirds towards them. It requires watering every two to three times in the summer season and once a week in the fall season.

    Christmas Cactus

    8. Neem plant -

    From having antibacterial properties to purifying the air around us, the neem plant has tonnes of benefits to look forward to. It acts as a natural pesticide and a cure for many ailments. Its extracts are used in different hair care and dental products.

    Neem plant

    9. Peepal Tree -

    Sacred fig or Ficus religious, peepal tree gives oxygen at night too. Native to India, the peepal tree is considered one of the holy trees that treat asthma and constipation. It acts as a remedy for tooth decay as well as a diabetes controller. Peepal tree gives oxygen 24 hours. Other than Hinduism, even as per some Buddhism norms, this tree is sacred.

    Peepal Tree

    10. Orchid -

    Belonging to one of the largest flowering families, orchids are some other plant species that tend to make it to this list, last but not the least. Orchids can grow in soil as well. They have some innate properties which remove Xylene, a toxic element, from the indoor environment.

  • Gerbera Daisy.With the rising level of pollutions, the air around is deteriorating day by day. This increases the chances of diseases like asthma, sinus, bronchitis, and many other breathing problems. While the government and other health regulatory bodies are working on the best possible solutions, individuals have to take steps in control to help the pollution levels go down. One can not avoid the pollution and inhaling toxic substances, one can still make sure sufficient supply of clean air and oxygen indoors with indoor plants. Keeping plants indoors not only improves air quality but can also improve your mental health and make you feel more peaceful.

  • Here are the top 9 Plants Indoor Plants for Oxygen:

    The Weeping Fig

    The Weeping Fig

    Ficus Plant, commonly known as the weeping fig is a beautiful foliage air purifying plant. It is a common house plant with various benefits. It is one of the best air purifying plant and has been recognized by NASA, for effective at cleansing airborne formaldehyde, xylene and toluene. By keeping this plant in your house you can improve the quality of the air you breathe indoors, and stay healthy.

    Aloe Vera Plant

    Aloe Vera Plant

    A perennial succulent, aloe vera is known for being good for your skin. It is often known as the wonder plant as it has many medical benefits and is a known herb. It is an excellent plant for purifying the air, as it removes benzene and formaldehyde from the air. It is also known for releasing oxygen at night. It is an excellent indoor plant for oxygen.

    Pothos Plant

    Pothos Plant

    A beautiful and lively foliage plant, pothos is very easy to take care of! It is an excellent plant to improve air quality inside the house. It is known for emitting toxins from the air like formaldehyde, benzene and carbon monoxide. It is an admirable indoor plant for oxygen and releases oxygen at night.

    Spider Plant

    Spider Plant

    The spider plant is one of the easiest indoor plants to grow. The spider plant is known to improve the air quality by filtering out carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and benzene. It is a magnificent indoor plant for oxygen. It is also known for spreading happy vibes and helping with anxiety & stress management.

    Areca Palm

    Areca Palm

    Known for absorbing harmful pollutants from the air, Areca palm is one of the best indoor plants for purifying the air. Areca Palm is not only known for purifying the air but also helps with the proper development of children and fetus. Keeping this plant in the house helps with the strengthening the nervous system as well.

    Snake Plant

    Snake Plant

    Excellent air purifying foliage, Snake plant is one of the most loves indoor plants. It is recognized by NASA for purifying the air and absorbing toxins like formaldehyde, nitrogen oxide, benzene, xylene and trichloroethylene. It is known for adding oxygen to the room and absorbing CO2.



    Spiritual foliage, Tulsi plant has several benefits. Keeping this plant in the house is known to bring good health and luck into the house. It is known for protecting the house from evil. Apart from its spiritual benefits, the Tulsi plant is known as the queen of herbs and has several health benefits. Keeping Tulsi plant inside the house increases the supply of oxygen as it gives out oxygen 20 hours a day. It also absorbs harmful gases like carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide from the air.

    Bamboo Plant

    Bamboo Plant

    The bamboo plant removes toluene from the air which is a colourless liquid with a pungent smell and has harmful effects like nose, eyes, & throat irritation. It also filters out harmful toxins from the atmosphere like benzene, & formaldehyde. Keeping a bamboo plant at home can increase oxygen levels tremendously.

    Gerbera Daisy

    Gerbera Daisy

    The colourful flowering plant not only makes the house look beautiful but is an excellent indoor plant for oxygen. As per NASA’s Clean Air Study, Gerbera Daisy removes pollutants from the air like formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene. It is also known for releasing oxygen at night and absorbing CO2.

    One can not do much about the air they breathe outdoors, but can certainly increase oxygen levels indoors with the help of green friends.
